Smart Card for Mac Part 1: Introduction to Active Directory Integration

Smart cards are the solution of choice for organizations that need two-factor authentication to further secure sensitive systems. In Windows-centric environments where Mac users need to be authenticated against Active Directory, setting up smart cards has involved some compromises in usability and security. In this Centrify video chalktalk, Centrify Product Manager David McNeely explains the basics of smart card authentication and describes how Centrify DirectControl for Mac OS X addresses these challenges.

David McNeely, Director, Product Management

Tom Kemp, Chief Executive Officer

Topics Covered

What are smart cards, and how they are used to strengthen security

How Centrify DirectControl can enable IT administrators to adopt Active Directory-authenticated smart cards that work for Mac users as well as Windows users

Protocols supported by DirectControl for Mac OS X: CAC, PIV and other cards that use a TokenD interface

How DirectControl’s Kerberos-integrated smart card functionality compares with Apple’s smart card feature

Federal compliance regulations that drive the use of smart card

Diagramming the solution architecture to understand how smart cards are provisioned and how authentication works against Active Directory

How smart cards can be terminated to ensure revoked cards can’t be used

How Centrify’s advanced Group Policy functionality for Mac can be used to configure and manage smart card usage

How other industries, such as power and utility companies, use smart cards

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