RFID on the Raspberry Pi

How to use the Parallax RFID Reader with the Raspberry Pi. The video explains all the steps and shows a simple Python script to read RFID fobs on the Raspberry Pi. Here are the important links so you can get this working also:
Adafruit’s free UART on Raspi: http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-nfc-rfid-on-raspberry-pi/freeing-uart-on-the-pi
Adafruit’s T-Cobbler Raspi GPIO breakout: http://www.adafruit.com/products/1105
Sparkfun’s Logic Level Converter: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/8745
Parallax Serial RFID Reader: http://www.parallax.com/StoreSearchResults/tabid/768/List/0/SortField/4/ProductID/114/Default.aspx?txtSearch=rfid+reader

Python code:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(‘/dev/ttyAMA0′, 2400, timeout=1)
while 1:
string = ser.read(12)
if len(string) == 0:
string = string[1:11]
print string

- Post Time: 08-19-16 - By: http://www.rfidang.com