Credit Card Swipe RFID Security – 3 Tips to Avoid Credit Card Theft


Credit Card swipe RFID security. How to steal your card identity.

What is an RFID cardit card?

RFID (radio frequency identification) chips can and are now installed in many systems for car park and building access and many cardit card companiess have begun using the technology. Many new travellers passports and ID’s have these chips inside also. Each RFID chip has a unique number and can store much data on it. This data allows for easy transfer and storage of information, but it has risks.

Risks of RFID credit cards is that any person with criminal intent or otherwise may have easy access to an RFID reader for little cost. With a reader you could casually pass a person in the street in proximity of their credit card and read the information. Naturally if you have dishonest intentions you may be able to use the data from the cards for purchases.

3 TIPS to help protect your RFID Credit card

  1.  Possibly the easiest safeguard is to ask you bank to NOT issue an RFID type of card.
  2. Wrap your cards in aluminium foil. This is a home remedy and works on many cards but not all. Or to avoid wrapping cards you could try folding the foil at least 5 times and placing that between each side of the card or in your purse. Test this works by swiping your card over a store reader and if it doesn’t read it you are safe. Then naturally remove it when you want to use it.
  3.  Check your credit card statements. If you see a purchase that is suspicious report it immediately to your card issuer or bank. Most credit card companies protect you against loss for these problems, so keep on top of your bank statements.

- Post Time: 01-22-16 - By: